Evolving patterns of extremely productive publishing behavior across science

Published: 11 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kmyvjk3xmd.1
, John Ioannidis, Jeroen Baas


Author information for: Hyperprolific physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have 73 or more publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 is Physics & Astronomy Hyperprolific non-physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have 73 or more publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 must not be Physics & Astronomy Almost Hyperprolific physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have between 61 and 72 publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 is Physics & Astronomy Almost Hyperprolific non- physics authors by year 2000-2022 inclusive. Author needs to have between 61 and 72 publications in a year to qualify and their main field from 2000 to 2022 must not be Physics & Astronomy Data: year - The year of publication of the articles, reviews, and conference proceedings analyzed in this study author_field - The primary field assigned to the author based upon publications and share of publications in the field field - The ScienceMetrix field classification of the journal the publication appears in Pubs_in_field_year - Total number of publications by the author in the given year in the given field Pubs_year_total - Total number of publications by the author in the given year Pubs_in_field_2000_2022 - Total number of publications by the author in the period 2000 to 2022 in the given field, Pubs_2000_2022_total - Total number of publications by the author in the period 2000 to 2022 rank - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based on citation count rank (ns) - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based on citation count with self citations excluded sm-subfield-1 - The author's SM subfield rank sm-subfield-1 - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based upon their citation score rank sm-subfield-1 (ns) - The author's rank, within their SM subfield, based upon their citation score excluding self citations sm-subfield-1 count - The number of authors in the SM subfield Subfield_Percentile - 100 * rank/count Subfield_Percentile_ns - 100 * rank (ns)/count author_name - Author's name from their Scopus Author Profile hidx - The author's career H-Index affil_name - The name of the author's most recent affiliation cntry - The country of the author's most recent affiliation Total_Pubs - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period Pubs_with_more_than_100_authors - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period with more than 100 authors Pubs_with_more_than_500_authors - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period with more than 500 authors Pubs_with_more_than_1000_authors - The number of articles, reviews, and conference proceedings from the affiliation in the period with more than 1000 authors


Steps to reproduce

Code is provided with the dataset. Underlying datasets are generated by the code in the related link and this runs on the ICSR Lab data sharing platform (https://www.elsevier.com/icsr/icsrlab) using Scopus data. It is written in python (pyspark) and can be used with other datasets on any pyspark platform.


Elsevier BV, Stanford University


