Optimal Jet Finder
Abstract We describe a FORTRAN 77 implementation of the optimal jet definition for identification of jets in hadronic final states of particle collisions. We discuss details of the implementation, explain interface subroutines and provide a usage example. The source code is available from http://www.inr.ac.ru/~ftkachov/projects/jets/. Title of program: OJF-014 Catalogue Id: ADSB_v1_0 Nature of problem Analysis of hadronic final states in high energy particle collision experiments often involves identification of hadronic jets. A large number of hadrons detected in the calorimeter is reduced to a few jets by means of a jet finding algorithm. The jets are used in further analysis which would be difficult or impossible when applied directly to the hadrons. Grigoriev et al [hep-ph/0301185] provide a brief introduction to the subject of jet finding algorithms and a general review of the physics of ... Versions of this program held in the CPC repository in Mendeley Data ADSB_v1_0; OJF-014; 10.1016/S0010-4655(03)00291-1 ADSB_v2_0; Optimal Jet Finder (v1.0 C++); 10.1016/j.cpc.2006.06.002 This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2019)