ZFITTER v.6.21: A semi-analytical program for fermion pair production in e + e − annihilation
Abstract We describe ZFITTER, a Fortran program based on a semi-analytical approach to fermion pair production in e^+ e^-annihilation at a wide range of centre-of-mass energies, including the PETRA, TRISTAN, LEP1/SLC, and LEP2 energies. A flexible treatment of complete O(α) QED corrections and of some higher order contributions is made possible with three calculational chains containing different realistic sets of restrictions in the photon phase space. Numerical integrations are at most one-dimensi... Title of program: ZFITTER version 6.21 Catalogue Id: ADMJ_v1_0 Nature of problem Fermion pair production is important for the study of the properties of the Z-boson and for precision tests of the Standard Model at LEP and future linear colliders at higher energies. QED corrections and combined electroweak and QCD corrections have to be calculated for this purpose with high precision, including higher order effects. For multi-parameter fits a program is needed with sufficient flexibility and also high calculational speed. ZFITTER combines the two aspects by at most one-dimens ... Versions of this program held in the CPC repository in Mendeley Data ADMJ_v1_0; ZFITTER version 6.21; 10.1016/S0010-4655(00)00152-1 ADMJ_v2_0; ZFITTER version 6.42 (18 May 2005); 10.1016/j.cpc.2005.12.009 This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2019)