Monte Carlo program KoralW 1.42 for all four-fermion final states in e+e− collisions
Abstract The Monte Carlo program KoralW version 1.42 is presented. It generates all four-fermion final states with multibranch dedicated Monte Carlo presamplers and complete, massive, Born matrix elements. The presamplers cover the entire phase space. Multiphoton bremsstrahlung is implemented in the ISR approximation within the YFS formulation with the O(α^3 ) leading-log matrix element. The anomalous WWV couplings are implemented in CC03 approximation. The standard decay libraries (JETSET, PHOTOS, TA... Title of program: KoralW, version 1.42 Catalogue Id: ADCT_v2_0 [ADKJ] Nature of problem The W-pair production and decay is and will be used as an important data point for precise tests of the standard electroweak theory at LEP2 and higher energies. The effects due to background processes, QED bremsstrahlung and apparatus efficiency have to be subtracted from the data. The program deals with all e+e- processes leading to 4-fermion final states accompanied with multiphoton initial-state radiation. It also includes the effects of the Coulomb correction, 'naive' QCD, anomalous coupling ... Versions of this program held in the CPC repository in Mendeley Data ADCT_v3_0; KoralW, version 1.51; 10.1016/S0010-4655(01)00296-X ADCT_v2_0; KoralW, version 1.42; 10.1016/S0010-4655(99)00219-2 This program has been imported from the CPC Program Library held at Queen's University Belfast (1969-2019)